WordPress Music Store Tutorial


This video tutorial covers the requirements to manage a music store that includes a music player that can be embedded on the website. It covers the process for uploading and setting the actual paid download and creating the listing in the music player to allow visitors to play the music (or sample) from the website.

The link that is needed for the Buy Now Link is – http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=DOWNLOAD_ID. Ensure to replace YOURDOMAIN with your domain name and DOWNLOAD_ID with the numerical download ID from the Downloads section of the site.

WordPress Simple Product Management


This video tutorial covers the necessities to manage simple products on your website made with WordPress. This video tutorial will explain how to add products, edit products, delete products, add a featured image (the main image that appears in the product listing), add additional images, set pricing, and adding to categories.

WordPress Product Category Management


This video tutorial provides information on managing your eCommerce categories created using the WordPress platform. Easily manage your categories after watching this video tutorial by learning how to create categories, delete categories, edit them, add a thumbnail picture, add descriptions, and modify sub-categories.

WordPress Menu Management


Modifying your WordPress menu navigation on your website is covered in this video tutorial. You can update the menu to include new pages, delete pages, or even link to other websites.

WordPress Picture Gallery Management


This video tutorial covers the information on how to manage your picture gallery within the WordPress platform. BsnTech would have already created a page for your Gallery and linked it to an album. While this part is covered in the video, creating galleries, adding pictures to those galleries, and linking them to an album are the necessities for managing your galleries.

WordPress Page Management

This video tutorial will show our customers how to manage their web pages if their site was built using the WordPress platform. The process is pretty easy – especially if you are familiar with using word processing programs to create documents. Easily change the information on your web pages, insert links, and insert pictures.

Website Forum – Profile Maintenance, Posting, Replying

This video tutorial covers some basic information regarding the use of the forum system that BsnTech Networks uses for websites.  It covers how your users can manage and update their own profile.  This includes changing or uploading an avatar, adding or updating their signature, adding a link to their website, adding links to their social networking profiles, and more.

The video tutorial also covers how to create a new topic, how to do a quick reply to a topic, and how to do a regular reply to a topic.  Options also include the ability to insert links into topics, change the font or formatting of the text, insert an image from the Internet into a topic, inserting an image from an attachment into a topic, and choosing multiple attachments that will be links within the post.

Vehicle Listings Management

How to update and manage your vehicle listings on a website that was designed from BsnTech Networks.  This video covers the necessary knowledge required to manage vehicle listings – including adding, deleting, and updating information for each vehicle.

Embedding YouTube Videos In Your Website

How to embed YouTube videos in a website.  This process will take some practice, but it will be fairly simple after you get the knowledge of it.  You have to your video on YouTube and get the video embed code first.  Then go into your website editor and paste the video embed code.  The below video tutorial explains how to embed YouTube videos into your website.

Table Management In The Website Editor

The below video tutorial will explain how to do table management in the website editor.  The table management is very straight-forward and easy.  You can quickly add or remove columns from your table and you can also quickly add or remove rows from the table.