Uneven Corn Growth & Other Pictures

What a nice break from the very warm weather we’ve been having!  It is only going to warm up to 76 degrees today and 79 degrees tomorrow.  We had some strong storms come through the area last night – but we didn’t see but a couple drops of rain from it.

I got the pressure sprayer out and sprayed down the foliage on all of the garden plants with some compost tea again.  I failed to do it last week – so maybe if I can remember, I”ll make this a habit to do every Sunday.  I do believe that the compost tea spray on the foliage is helping – although I haven’t been watering anything with it.  I am thinking I might be doing that soon with some of the corn in the front yard.

Below you can see the uneven corn growth.  The corn on the left is the Silver Queen corn; the corn on the right (and in the buckets) is Sugar Dots corn.  The Silver Queen corn has really taken off and is doing well – but the Sugar Dots corn doesn’t seem to be growing as quickly.  Both varieties of corn mature around the same time (around 90 days).  They were both planted at the same time as well.

Front Garden

The broccoli is still growing!  I am going to need to cut some of the heads soon I think.

Green Goliath Broccoli

Green Goliath Broccoli

The Copra onions in the front bed are doing very well too.  I took a picture of the base one of the onions.  Last year when I used sets, the bases didn’t get nearly this large – so hopefully these onions will start bulbing up soon and make some huge bulbs!

Copra Onion Base

The California Wonder peppers are not doing very well.  It does seem about four of them are doing alright, but they just are not growing very quickly.  A couple of them seem very stunted and have yellowing leaves on them.  Below is a photo of one of the stems of a pepper with a few flowers.

California Wonder Pepper

The carrots are still moving right ahead.  The carrots that survived the odd weather are growing well – but the recent carrots I planted about a month ago are still small and just getting their first set of true leaves.  I think the original carrots are going to suffocate the new carrots for sunlight unfortunately.


The Basil and Cilantro are also growing very well.  The Cilantro had a problem staying upright and anytime I would water, they would flop over.  The Basil has at least doubled in size in the past week.

Herb Garden

The lillies out front are completely all opened and in full bloom!  These just continue to make more blooms each year.  Just four years ago, there were only two of these.  Now there are dozens!


Going to the side garden.  The Red Cherry tomato plant is almost to the top of the second tomato cage that I stacked on top of the first one.  The Roma tomato (next to the Cherry tomato) is working its way into the second tomato caged stacked on it as well.  The five other Best Boy tomatoes are just to the top of the first cage.  This variety doesn’t seem to grow as tall as others (if I remember right) but does put on quite a good crop of tomatoes.

The potatoes (on the right side) are doing good.  The Dwarf Gray Sugar peas behind it all along the fence are flowering fairly well now.  However, due to the cool temperatures we had through April and part of May – and then the extremely hot temperatures, it doesn’t seem the peas are doing as good.  Last year I was out picking a lot of peas by now.  So far I’ve only picked a single Dwarf Gray Sugar pea and three Super Sugar Snap peas.

Side Garden

Then there is the back garden – it is getting overgrown with potatoes and is hard to walk down the path!

Back Garden

The view from the other side.  Here you can see some of the Greencrop green beans on the left side of the boards with lettuce on the opposite side.  We picked another approximate seven ounces of lettuce yesterday evening.

Back Garden

And a picture on the outer-side of the back garden showing some of the onions.  The onions are really struggling to contend with the potatoes that are growing into their turf.

Back Garden

And lastly, here is a nice clump of potato flowers from the back garden.

Potato Flowers