Website Design for Church2100

James, the Pastor and Founder of Church2100 in Palm Bay FL, went through our order system on April 19th to place an order for a website.

After obtaining the list of his requirements, we discovered that there were a few features he added during the order process that he didn’t need – which ended up saving him $185 on the website design cost.

James sent over the information to put on his website along with an example to help us model his website after.  Within 24 hours, we had all of the material added to the website.  A few modifications were needed after the content was added to the website.  However, the website was fully completed in a matter of three days!

The website has a total of five pages, it has a website blog for posting of Sermons, and the site is mobile friendly.

We appreciate the business from James and the ability to serve him with the creation of his church website!

The website is at