Website Hosting For Cobb’s Car Company

cobbscarsNothing short of customer service and hosting expectations brought Cobb’s Car Company back to BsnTech Networks.

Over a year ago, Gary from Cobb’s Car Company contacted us to make a website for their car dealership in Evansville, IN. Since then, Cobb’s Car Company grew to two other locations – and they decided to try out a local website designer and computer support company. Gary wanted to be able to sit down with their associates and work on the website. They also provided the company with local computer support services. Of course, with us being further away, we were not able to provide those hands-on services.

However, Gary came back to us a few months later after the website was built. He was unhappy with the customer service and the timeframes they had to wait to have changes done to their website. Another big factor was the website hosting. Gary found the website hosting that the other web design company used was sub-par compared to BsnTech’s hosting.

Therefore, we just completed the move of the Cobb’s Car Company website over to our servers today, although the changes to the nameservers could take 24 to 48 hours to be fully effective.

The company’s website took over 13 seconds to load using the other hosting provider. After moving the website back to our solid state technology servers that are mirrored and redundant between our two locations, that time went down to three seconds, thereby shaving a full 10 seconds of load time off of their website.

Gary was immediately happy with the results and how quickly we got the website transferred – within just a few hours after he placed his order.

We appreciate Cobb’s Car Company coming back to BsnTech Networks and we hope to maintain a long relationship with them for their website hosting needs.

Their website is at